A large family blended through adoption and birth. A journey filled with love, laughter, heartache, joy, disappointment, and blessings.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Apple Orchard and Petting Zoo
We checked the kids out of school early and off we went. All the children had a really good time. The little ones were afraid of the animals at first but soon decided they liked them. The turkey was the biggest one I've ever seen. The goat loved Tabitha. Tabitha HATED the goat. The girls were standing up on an old wagon bed. They were afraid of the animals. One of the goats jumped up with them and three little girls were scared out of their wits, jumping and screaming. It was a funny site. Too bad I didn't get a picture. The apples were delicious and we made pies and cider when we got home. On the down side my van broke down on the way home. We did make it home but it went dead 4 times on the hour and a half drive. It's in the shop still. I picked it up and left for a dentist appointment and it did the same thing again. It stinks not having my van when I want it.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Away at School
On Monday we took Doreese to her new school! We toured the school/college last year and I was totally sold on it. It is a program for adults with learning disabilities or delays in some way. It has every thing a college has to offer. The programs of study aren't as many but what they do offer are small intimate classes where the student gets lots of one on one instruction. Doreese has chosen cosmetology as her field of study. Not what I would have chosen for her, but that's not my decision to make. They are opening brand new dorms in Oct. I think I was more excited than Doreese. When it was time for us to leave she became all weepy. Oh it broke my heart. When I left my other children (birth) at college I was the one crying. Loss is such a hard thing to overcome. It took a couple of days, but she is doing great and has fallen in love with the school, as well as a new boy! UGH! Oh well, I guess she is 19. I am so very proud of her.
Destinee moves into her new apartment today too! She was in the Army for the summer. It took a little while but she has made a good choice. Krishawanda has chosen to room with her. She's not quiet 18 (a few weeks) but is ready to strike out on her on. I can tell she is a little more reserved than Des. She had lots of questions for me and a lot of "what ifs". It will be good for her to be on her on. She is strongly independent and a little hard headed. My birth children say she is more like me than any of them.(LOL) I couldn't be more proud of my girls. It makes me teary eyed just thinking of all they have over come. I trust God to look out for them. They are all so young and yet adults. Time is not standing still for me. Now I have 9 children that are 18(almost) and older.
I still love being mom to this house full of kids, grown and little. I also love being Nana to my grand babies. Time is so precious, and it just seems like we don't have enough of it.
Destinee moves into her new apartment today too! She was in the Army for the summer. It took a little while but she has made a good choice. Krishawanda has chosen to room with her. She's not quiet 18 (a few weeks) but is ready to strike out on her on. I can tell she is a little more reserved than Des. She had lots of questions for me and a lot of "what ifs". It will be good for her to be on her on. She is strongly independent and a little hard headed. My birth children say she is more like me than any of them.(LOL) I couldn't be more proud of my girls. It makes me teary eyed just thinking of all they have over come. I trust God to look out for them. They are all so young and yet adults. Time is not standing still for me. Now I have 9 children that are 18(almost) and older.
I still love being mom to this house full of kids, grown and little. I also love being Nana to my grand babies. Time is so precious, and it just seems like we don't have enough of it.
Friday, September 9, 2011
August Birthdays and Nerd Day
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
July Birthday's and Grandbabies
The baby girl in white is my youngest grand baby. Oh she is such a sweetie. Honestly I don't think in all my years of parenting I've ever seen a better baby. She is sooooo good! I'm sure she takes after her Nana! My babies were all easy going as well but she takes the cake. Speaking of cake, we had 5 birthdays in July. For some reason I don't have Robert's picture uploaded to the computer yet, but I'll include it with August's birthdays.
We are in process of updating our home study! Woo Hoo! I'm excited. When I read other blogs of families who are adopting again, I am so interested of the things they go through. Only parents of large families who have such a crazy desire to parent an abundance of kids know what I'm talking about. Whether it's by birth or adoption a child coming into a family is such a blessing. Sometimes I'm amazed that He trusts me with such precious souls. And sometimes I wonder why he puts them on me! LOL. I truly love all of my kids, trials and all. Everyone is doing so well right now I'm afraid I'll mess it up by saying so. Watching them spread there wings and grow up and move out is a little scary and enlightening for me at the same time. I'm glad they are moving out and making decisions on there own. They are going to have to learn by trial and error what they did not take to heart from me. But at the same time I want to protect them from some of life's hardships. Money management is one of the hardest concepts for them. Well some of them. Some have it form the get go. One particular child can not control his money. He loans and blows money he has worked hard for. Another puts his in the bank, doesn't spend money on trendy clothes, (but always looks good) and doesn't waste money eating out. He is saving for a car. I know he gets it. He pays his bills on time. The other has his phone turned off for several days while he waits on a paycheck. Now don't get me wrong. I have been there. But this young man doesn't have any other bills. He is not juggling mortgage payments, electric, gas, and water, car payments, not even credit cards. He just lets his money slip through his hands. Friday he has $500 and on Monday he's broke. Some of the girls do the same thing. Oh, but I know they will learn. Or will they? I know some adults who still struggle. Paying rent or mortgage is not an option. If you want a place to live, you have to pay for it. Nothing is free! I know Keith and I had it easier, when we first married, because we lived in a little shack of a house my grandmother owned. It was in the exact same spot we have our house built on now. But we sacrificed, to get where we are. So watching them leave the nest or pushing them out, has it's good points and it's bad. But they can't stay little forever. This I know, just look at my grand babies, and how fast they are growing! 
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