Tonight I have Lauren and Andrew. Tabitha is in Tennessee with Jennifer. I sure do enjoy them both. They are easy for me to spoil as I don't have to worry about being the disciplinarian. We had a busy but restful day. Church this morning to refuel my week. I always ask for God's divine intervention in our lives. We just rested the afternoon away with movies and naps for the younger ones. Then we had vacation bible school. Lauren didn't stay the full time but had a blast for the time she did stay. I think it was a little too much with her being away from her mom.
It is storming outside, we sure do need the rain. All my flowers have dried up to nothing. The garden too is drying up. We have had almost (almost) to many cucumbers to eat. That's a lot for this crowd. Squash too has been plentiful. Tomatoes have done OK. We sure can put away a lot of food. Which is one reason I can't loose weight. All I do is cook. (and clean) Well anyway if I don't cook it I'm still around it. When school starts back it will be easier. I sure will miss all the kids but I sure am going to enjoy that first week of school!
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