Thursday, November 10, 2011

On the Bright Side

Well I still haven't found my camera.  BUT I got my van back!  Woo Hoo!  It was in the shop *8* weeks.  I am so thankful to have it back.  Borrowing a car wasn't an issue, but borrowing a van to carry 15 people was.  I was stressed out for so long about it I almost got use to it.  It is driving great and seems right as can be.  We all went to church last night without having to ask anyone for rides.  I can also pile all the kids in and go when I have the notion.  We missed several family outings because of it, one being a trip to the aquarium.  We are celebrating with a trip to Apple*bees.  We went to a  Gladiators Hockey game this past weekend.  I like the hockey game as I can actually see what's going on. We got coupons for buy one meal get one free at the hockey game.  We will take advantage of that.  We have a trip to the Circus planned for next weekend, if all goes well.  Kids are all excited as some of them have never been.  I was grown before I ever went.  Everything cost so much.  We have coupons for the event.

I love taking everyone and going out and making family memories.  No one will remember what they wore or which toy they were playing with but everyone will remember our outings.  Memories are something no one can take away.  They are so important for adopted kids.  Our home study has been updated for a long time (2 years+) We were chosen for a sib group of 4, but one of the boys was acting out and we felt he would not be a good fit with all the other kids.  Once again we've been chosen.  The case worker for the kids have taken forever.  We found out about them in April and still don't have anything on paper.  I'm thinking we just need to move on.  I wasn't 100% sure of them anyway.  When we accepted them the oldest three were not in there teens now they've all had birthdays and I've been told even after they "officially choose" us it will still take 2 to 4 more months for placement. I'm praying about it!  I would love to adopt internationally.  I've been told our family is too large and we don't make enough money, but I see on others blogs that they are adopting.  HOW do you do it?  There is no way we make $260,000. and I can't believe other families make that much either.  We are blessed and favored by God.  That is the only way we do what we do.  Sometimes we struggle and sometimes we have more than enough, but we always make it.

Kids are all in reading mode.  They will earn a Six Flags ticket for the summer if they read enough.  They are most all readers anyway, so it will be easy for them, and it's  another outing I can take advantage of.  Hope you all have a blessed day!  


  1. hmm so whoever fixed your van I need them in Michigan. Mine is still setting out there broke too! And when Jim asked for the camera the other day it was gone... I am using my phone. It must be the big family thing. I am glad to see you got yours fixed.

  2. It's funny that we are being told also that our family is already too big and we don't "need" any more kids. It would be nice if others (agencies, caseworkers, etc) would just "get" that some of us have been called to adopt many....not just one or two kids.

    Glad you got your van back. I'd be lost without ours too.

    Have a blessed weekend.
