Monday, November 28, 2011

Wonderful Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with all the trimmings.  All of the grown kids were here except one and she was here the day before.  The older I get the more it means to me to have all of my family around me.  With a family as big as ours that takes some doing.  Everyone gets along so well, and truly enjoys each other and just laughing and being together.  I wouldn't trade my large family for anything.  Sure at times it's a little overwhelming. Like when I'm trying to cook for our huge crowd, but I wouldn't change a thing.  One of the younger kids asked "Mom how are you gonna cook all this food when we all grow up and get married?  Then you will have double people and double cooking to do with no help."   HA!  I replied that is when Tabitha does a turkey, and Mac and Cheese.  And  Jennifer does a Ham and squash casserole.  And Staisha does Tater tot casserole and another turkey, And Amey does a ham and Strawberry shortcake,  And Destinee does Sweet potato souffle, and Krishawanda does green beans, and mashed potatoes, And Selena does Coconut cake, and Kieanna does pumpkin pie and............... OK OK Mom we get it.

 I also shopped.  Yes, I know crazy.  Crazy to go out into the hussell and bussell of black*Friday.  I loved it.  We got everything we went after, and then some.  I got deals I can't get any other time.  My Christmas shopping is more than half complete.  The little kids were all excited knowing I was shopping for Santa Claus.  Keith was the least excited mostly because he stayed home with the kids.  He got several items that was on sale so that made up for it.  I love the holidays. I love my family.  I love celebrating our saviors birth.  Thank you Jesus!

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