Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Last day of schooo 2010

Well we have finished up another school year. When school starts back I'll have 3 seniors. Oh my where has time gone? I remember crying when Tabitha my oldest started school. Then again when Staisha started school. Yesterday I sat and cried, cried, cried at Faith's kindergarten graduation. That's 24 years of having kids in school. I don't think it gets any easier. In fact I think it gets harder. As time goes on our children are exposed to so much through the school system. Some good, but lots bad. When I was younger and only had 4 kids at home, I use to think If I can just get them to 18. Well with 5 now 18 and up let me tell you nothing changes. Yea, something does, you can't tell them anything! They still make choices you don't like. You still worry. Maybe I just don't let go like most mom's? I don't know, I just know I still love each and everyone just like I did when I could tell them what to do.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you! I thought it would be easier once they were 18 and "grown on their own." Definitely not true! The worry just changes as you watch them go out and experience things for themselves. You don't want them to stay home, but letting them go is definitely not an easy task and the love and concern does not go away. The pictures are wonderful! Thank you for sharing them! You have a beautiful family and I am so blessed to be able to call you my friend!
