Thursday, March 11, 2010


I have been really REALLY busy this last week. We decided to put sod in our back yard. My yard has been lush and green for many years. For some reason this last summer a lot of our grass died out. This fall and winter the kids have ridden there bikes around and around the yard until it is just a mud track. Now with all this rain it was a big mud puddle. Our back yard is pretty big, about 1/3 of an acre. It took 15 pallets. I laid about 50%. UGH! It looks really nice. One area near the gate which is on a slope didn't turn out quiet right. It was red georgia mud. I slipped and fell at one point. I think the ground shook. So that's what has occupied my time. That and 18 or 21 or 23 kids. I have several birthday pictures to post and the Military Ball coming up so I'll have lots of pictures to share.

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