Saturday, June 13, 2009

blogging by dummy

First post. I have been following adoption blogs for several years now and just haven't taken the time to start one myself, so here goes. With the help of my 20 year old daughter I've taken my first plunge. I have very little time as we have a large family, and I can't sit still. Even when I'm home alone during the school day I like to be busy. I thought I might journal our lives and be able to look back and see where we've been and maybe get a glimpse of where I'd like to (need to) go. If I could look back over the last 30 years I'm sure I'd laugh, cry, be shocked, faint , and would probably (defintely) like to edit some of it. My journey as a parent started almost 30 years ago. I've come a long way and learned sooo much. 22 kids later and I still have sooo much more to learn. Here's hoping this will help me connect to parents/people who are on this journey with me.

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