Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Keith and I married and started our family right away. I can't say I didn't want a baby, I just didn't expect one so quickly. So Tabitha was born Oct. Jennifer followed 17 months later. OK 2 kids I can do this. BIRTH CONTROL doesn't work for everybody. The pill worked for about one year, then a miscarriage. This was much worse than having a baby. 2 years later Brian was born. IUD worked for 4 years, another miscarriage. Doc said use something over the counter and let your body get back to normal then we will talk BC again. NOPE! Pregnant 2 months later. Now you would think after having 4 children that I would have taken the hint that I was meant to have kids. At the time I didn't think I would ever want another baby, so I had my tubes burnt, cut, taken out whatever. I just didn't want any more kids. We had built a house, both of us had good jobs and I thought my life was on a well worn path. Raise your kids, pay your morgtage, futher your career. NOT! When Staisha was about 4 years old I saw an ad in the paper about the great need for foster parents. I wrestled with this for some time, and decided it was something I wanted to do. Now to talk Keith into it. Not as hard as I thought. So we took the classes and became foster parents. I loved it! I got to know the parents and the kids and really felt like I was helping the kids as well as the parents. Well it didn't end there. As my story is so long I'll continue later.....

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